Availability is a per-torrent score like 0.640 or 37.989. The major number of the Availability tells you how many copies of the least available piece of the torrent you currently see. If the availability is 1 or more, you see all of the pieces of the file(s). If it is 0, you do not see the whole file(s). The decimals are most useful when the Availability is below 1. Lets say availability is 0.652, that means you're only seeing 65.2% of the file.
Availability has a direct impact on download speed too. If you are downloading a torrent with good availability, the speed is usually much higher than in a torrent with only one source (as that the upload speed of that source will then limit the whole swarm's download speed). You can also see in the example image that speeds of individual torrents can vary a lot.
The Telling torrent
You can (and should) easily enable the Availability column: just go to Library tab in Vuze (or the My Torrents tab in Azureus), right-click on the header row where the downloading torrents are queued and choose Column Setup. Enable the Availability column there and hit OK.
Doing this will give you a new column where you can easily spot the Availability of the torrent. This is calculated based on the pieces available from seeds and peers, that you're connected to.
Another option to see the Availability is to open the torrent details via right-click > Show Details or doublecklicking on the torrent in the My Torrents view. The Availability is displayed there as a graphic bar and the Availability number itself on the right end of the bar.
Note that a good (high) Availability does not necessarily mean that it's a good torrent (and also read about Bad torrents). Another important thing is that seeds are NOT necessary to finish a download since peers can have data to share too, only an Availability above 1 (not counting cases with superseeds). That Availability > 1.0 condition can be also reached with several peers having different pieces of data, so that combined they have all the pieces.
You can think of trackers as the phone-books of BitTorrent. When a peer downloads a torrent file (or accesses a magnet link, more on this later), part of that file is the URL needed to connect to the tracker (or multiple trackers). A torrent client then takes that URL and sends a message to the tracker, which provides a list of other peers.
Once two peers are connected, they will use the remaining content in the torrent file (namely a hash that represents the file contents) to identify and exchange the pieces of the file that they are missing. This is significant, as it means the information detailing the actual contents of the files is not located within the tracker, but rather within the torrent file itself.
Once a peer has acquired multiple pieces of a file, they can maintain multiple transfer sessions simultaneously, exchanging pieces with multiple other peers at the same time. This is why most torrents start downloading at low speeds, but get faster as more pieces are acquired.
As we mentioned earlier, all the information you need to access the shared data is located within a torrent file. These are created by the original distributor of the data, who then becomes the original seeder when they upload the file to a hosting site such as The Pirate Bay.
Magnet links contain the same information that torrent files do, namely the tracker URL, hashes of the file pieces and the number of pieces. However, instead of being delivered in a file that your torrent client has to open, magnet links open the torrent client and deliver the information directly, much like how regular web links and web browsers function.
As we covered earlier, a torrent tracker is the place where your torrent client goes in order to find a list of peers for any given torrent. These trackers come in two broad categories: private and public.
That said, in certain jurisdictions, particularly in the U.S., there is a possibility of direct legal action by the copyright holder. This is by no means common, as there are generally less than 5,000 copyright infringement lawsuits filed yearly across the entire U.S., and the vast majority of these are unrelated to torrenting.
The best defense against this is to use well-established torrent sites and trackers, most of which include some sort of rating or reputation system. These let you pick torrent files that have been verified by other users or come from people with proven track records.
Great explanation, thanks !I am confused as to why torrent is prohibited by ISP but why are there some official sites providing torrents. So if we use a torrent on an official site (like: debian os) does it still break the TOS from the ISP?
There is little to no risk of getting one of these letters if all of the content you download using torrents is legal. Many legitimate software launchers use a torrent protocol to make downloading their software updates faster.
When you download a torrent via a VPN, it appears as if the new IP address is the peer. However, not all VPNs are created equal. Free VPNs usually are extremely slow and have inconsistent connections, making them unreliable for downloading large files. A paid VPN offers much better security, and speeds are often close to your actual internet connection plan.
Torrenting is the process of uploading or downloading the components that make up a torrent file from several peers or computers. The shared nature of torrenting makes the process faster than uploading or downloading a large file onto a central server. Why?
BitTorrent is a P2P sharing protocol, meaning all torrent clients use it to enable uploading, sharing, and downloading torrent files. It was designed by Bram Cohen in April 2001. He also used it as the name of the first torrent client made publicly available on 2 July 2001.
The short answer is no. The act of sharing files via torrent sites is not illegal in itself. It only becomes illegal when a user uploads or downloads copyrighted material through a torrent client or website.
However, malware-ridden torrent files are incredibly widespread, too, and are often linked to pirated copies of TV show episodes. Torrent users also need to watch out for executable (.exe) or batch files (.bat) as these are commonly associated with scripts that install malware into computers.
A torrent tracker is a server that helps users communicate with other peers faster by monitoring which peer machines keep specific files. It works like Tinder and other dating apps that match users based on the preferences they input. When two people decide to meet in person or communicate through another platform, they can do so without Tinder.
Similarly, when a torrent user requests a specific file, the torrent tracker connects him or her to the appropriate peer machine. Once the P2P download has started, the connection to the tracker is no longer necessary.
A seedbox is a dedicated server found in a high-speed datacenter. It has a public IP address so anyone can download and seed torrent files on their computers anytime and from anywhere so long as they are connected to the Internet.
There are two types of tracker sites. One is a public tracker site, accessible to all users. The other is a private tracker site, which contains specialized torrent websites that host unique niches of files. Registration to a private tracker site is often exclusive and by invite only. It also requires users to seed torrents after each download.
Unlawful torrenting generally refers to sharing and downloading copyrighted materials, including music, movie, and TV series files. The repercussions of getting caught depend on the laws that cover you or the country where you performed the act.
Virtual private networks (VPNs) hide your IP address from sites that want to track you. They also conceal your entire online activities from your Internet service provider (ISP). Using a VPN to download files from a torrent site can help you stay anonymous online, keeping you safe from cyber attackers.
My rule of thumb is to always seed to at least a ratio of 3000% (3x); I originally set a target of 10,000%, but that was insane. The seed ratio needs to be much higher than 100%, though, simply because you're never seeding an entire torrent sequentially to a single person, only pieces, and more importantly you can't know the seeding motives of the people who leech from you: will they in turn seed or simply walk away? You have to account for the selfish people (or those with exceedingly poor uplink speeds). I figure no less than 2 of every 3 leechers will walk away, so you must seed long enough to reach that third person and help make sure he gets the whole file so that he can in turn seed it. Failure to do this is why so many torrents go sour after the honeymoon is over. Because of my humiliatingly slow service my goal is often impossible with anything but the smallest torrents, but I feel it's critical to try, especially with less popular torrents! Imagine you're the guy who tries to get an old and/or less popular torrent after the crowd has already left, and you can't get all of it, because there are no true seeders left and your peers combined have only preserved part of it.
Far too many people new to BitTorrent just install the client andexpect everything to magically work. Then they connect to a torrentthat has a ton of seeds, they get a horrible download rate and a highupload rate, and they think BitTorrent sucks. What they don't know isthat their problems are almost certainly due to misconfiguration oftheir systems and a lack of understanding of how BitTorrent (and otherp2p sharing) works. The purpose of this document is to educate you, thereader, and hopefully help you tweak your system to get the most out ofBitTorrent.
BitTorrent follows this progression closely, with a few differences.In many systems (such as Napster, KaZaA, or eDonkey) searching for afile is built right into the program. BitTorrent isn't meant to be afull-blown network like they are, and so it doesn't have thisfeature built-in. You have to find the torrents yourself, probably withGoogle or some other popular search engine. The other difference is inthe way sharing works. 2ff7e9595c